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Faculty Recruitment

Documents that are required by Provost to be submitted for approval.

Faculty Offer Letter Checklist and Appropriate Offer Letter Template (Provost Website), and the following information:

  1. The complete job advertisement
  2. The number of applications received and reviewed
    1. Interview committee
    2. ISS wage analysis
  3. The post-interview document created by the search committee for the unit head, with the list of acceptable candidates and details of the strengths and weaknesses of each
  4. The short explanation, from the department head to the dean, of their choice from the above list of the candidates to whom the offer was made
  5. The final candidate’s Information:
    1. CV
    2. cover letter
    3. At least 3 letters of reference or summaries of conversations with the referees
File Name Download
(1) Job Advertisement.docx Download
(2) Applications Received and Reviewed.docx Download
(3) Post-Interview – Acceptable Candidates Strengths and Weaknesses.docx Download
(4) Short Explanation from the Head to Dean.docx Download