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Safety Concern/Near Miss Reporting


If you see an unsafe situation or event, please report it immediately to Mike Humphrey (47966), Ryan Good (65338), or Tom Brown ( 47423).

Safety and the well-being of our visitors, students, staff and faculty members is a foundation of everything we do in the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business.

The School's commitment to safety is fully supported by maintenance of a robust safety culture at all levels within the School.
We must proactively identify hazards around us which could lead to human injury, equipment damage, or a fatality.

The unsafe situation could be in an office, hallway, conference room, rest room, classroom, or stairwell. It could be with power cords, computer cables, spilled food or liquid, furniture, chairs, ladders, carts, or boxes.

Examples of "Near Miss" situations: