Allowable and Prohibited Tcard Expenses
Allowable Uses
- Airfare
- Baggage Fees
- Lodging
- Car Rental (including gasoline)
- Registration Fees
- Parking
- Ground Transportation
- Meals -- Meals are an allowable business expense and may be charged to the Visa Travel Card while in travel status. These charges are non-reimbursable and should be identified as “Meal Expense” and marked “personal” on an Expense Report. Meals are included in the per diem reimbursement provided to travelers.
- Meals that are Hospitality related
- Cash Advance
Prohibited Uses
- Personal transactions
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Making charges while not in travel status and not related to university business
- Allowing someone else (co-worker, family, friend) to make purchases
- Payment for insurance, including car rental, lost baggage and travel related