Teams interested in representing Purdue at the competition are to apply on Pitch before January 21 at 12:00 p.m.
Students interested in participating in this competition should submit a one-page document in Pitch explaining their experience with case competitions, the benefits of participating in this competition, and Information on their team.
The Center for Business Communication will select one team of 3-4 undergraduates. First-year students will be considered, however, teams with a minimum of three sophomores, juniors, and/or seniors will be given preference. Seniors (4th year Undergrad standing) in an accelerated program may not participate. At least 2 students on the team must be enrolled in the Daniels School of Business. Teams will be notified by January 23. For additional competition information, please refer to the competition website.
Case Competitions are crucial components of a business student's development of highly sought-after skills such as creativity, strategic thinking, confidence, teamwork, and public speaking. During the week of competition, a company proposes a current challenge that their business is facing and students must prepare possible solutions to help the company, which are delivered via professional presentations. Some past sponsors of McCombs Case Competitions include Ernst & Young, AT&T, ConocoPhillips, Targe,t and several start-ups looking for fresh perspectives on their toughest ideas. The McCombs School of Business student organizations sponsor around 5-10 case competitions every year, including company-directed case competitions
Teams interested in representing Purdue at the competition are to apply on Pitch before January 21 at 12:00 p.m.
Students interested in participating in this competition should submit a one-page document in Pitch explaining their experience with case competitions, the benefits of participating in this competition, and Information on their team.
The Center for Business Communication will select one team of 3-4 undergraduates. First-year students will be considered, however, teams with a minimum of three sophomores, juniors, and/or seniors will be given preference. Seniors (4th year Undergrad standing) in an accelerated program may not participate. At least 2 students on the team must be enrolled in the Daniels School of Business. Teams will be notified by January 23. For additional competition information, please refer to the competition website.
Case Competitions are crucial components of a business student's development of highly sought-after skills such as creativity, strategic thinking, confidence, teamwork, and public speaking. During the week of competition, a company proposes a current challenge that their business is facing and students must prepare possible solutions to help the company, which are delivered via professional presentations. Some past sponsors of McCombs Case Competitions include Ernst & Young, AT&T, ConocoPhillips, Targe,t and several start-ups looking for fresh perspectives on their toughest ideas. The McCombs School of Business student organizations sponsor around 5-10 case competitions every year, including company-directed case competitions
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